Teacher and Staff Resources, Websites and District Forms
Staff Absence
Please complete the MPCS Staff Absence Form linked below, for any absence, lateness, or early departure.
- CASEL Reunite Renew Thrive
- Classlink log in
- Dynamic Learning Maps (NYSAA)
- Easy Tech at Learning.com
- EngageNY
- Frontline IEP
- Frontline Professional Growth (formerly My Learning Plan)
- Holt McDougal Online
- iObservation
- K-12 Digital Citizenship
- Mental Health Education Literacy in Schools
- SchoolTool
- Success Maker
- Success Net
- Teacher Vision
- Think Central
- Unique
District Forms and Mandatory Communications
Nondiscrimination in the Mount Pleasant Cottage School District
The Mount Pleasant Cottage School District is committed to providing a healthy and productive environment for all students and employees that promotes respect, dignity and equality and is free of all forms of discrimination. To that end we have adopted policies and practices that support and reinforce this stance on nondiscrimination in keeping with Titles VI, VII and IX of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and subsequent amendments and additions.
To Report a Complaint: Contact Title IX officer Jim Nolan (jnolan@mpcsny.org) | 914-769-0456 ext. 1208
Employee Assistance Program
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a free benefit for all employees and family members. To access the EAP, simply call the toll free number 1-800-252-4555 or 1-800-225-2527 or visit EAP online through the following link: Employee Assistance Program Link